Friday, February 12, 2010

WAJIB TENGOK!~ Maher Zain (Open Your Eyes)

Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded infront of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony

Let's start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?

Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us?
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..?

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

When a baby's born
So helpless and weak
And you're watching him growing..
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look quiet we'll see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Open your eyes and hearts and minds
If you just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Robb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You..
الحمد الله

ya Allah
terlalu banyak petunjuk2 akan kekuasaanmu di alam semesta ini
lindungilah aku ya Allah...
aku ingin hidup dan mati dalam mendapat keredhaan dan rahmat dariMu
ya Rabb Tuhan semesta alam....

~teori Big Bang~

tidakkah kita pernah memikirkan akan kejadian alam semesta kita?
selama ini kita hanya mengikuti apa sahaja yang diperkatakan oleh barat
namun, tidakkah kita menyedari bahawa Allah sendiri telah menceritakan tentang kejadian penciptaan alam

"Dan apakah orang-orang yang kafir tidak mengetahui bahwasanya langit dan bumi itu keduanya dahulu adalah suatu yang padu, kemudian Kami pisahkan antara keduanya. Dan dari air Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang hidup. Maka mengapakah mereka tiada juga beriman?" (Al anbiya' 21:30)

maka, marilah kita comparekan dan bandingkan
ayat di atas dengan Teori Big Bang daripada barat
bukankah al Quran telah menceritakan tentangnya sejak beribu2 tahun yang lalu???

"maka apabila langit terbelah dan menjadi merah mawar seperti (kilapan) minyak."
(ar-rahman(55) -37)

~nebula yang diambil daripada teleskop huble~

"maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan"
(ar-rahman(55) -38)

~ya Allah
kami yakin ya Allah
~sesungguhnya tiada Tuhan yang layak disembah
~melainkan Allah


bidadariMu said... BALAS

thanx for posting such a good prayers for ur followers.. =)